Wednesday, February 20, 2008

10 Biggest mistakes George W. Bush made

1. He became the president of America
2. He started the war with Irak.
3. He didn't stopped the war with Iran.
4. He thinks he speaks english.
5. He was born in America.
6. He doesn't know how to lie.
7. He smiles to often.
8. He knows Tony Blair.
9. He haven't found Osama Bin Laden.
10. He hates us.


Unknown said...

You're english doesn't seem to be so perfect either, i'm no native english speaker myself but even I can see that.
He didn't start a war with Iran, that was Iraq remember? A
As long as they don't make you president the next president might be smarter then the current one.

False said...

Of course Iraq. :)
Yes, I'm not from America or England or from another country where people speaks english. So, excuse my english. Yes, it's you're fault. You chose him to be your president

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Estabilizador e Nobreak, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you don't live in this country, it is not any of your business. I really don't care how your country is run and you should not care how ours is run. The decisions are not made by him only don't forget that the Democrats had the house...hello :). Also, don't forget that when Clinton was president, the house had the Republican majority....hello :) Now let's wait and see how a Democrat president and a democrat house will do...will be very interesting. Just another thing to ponder. There was a man who promised change and won by popularity and charisma. Once he became a leader, he took the weapons from the citizens (just like Obama wants to do). The next think you know, he's killing people in a gas chamber. His name was Hitler a socialist. Obama is a socialist whether you want to admit it or not. I don't believe he will be that extreme because American's won't allow it to happen but he's definitely a socialist.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous! Whats up with you and your kind who compare President Obama with Hitler? I think that tasteless comparison is ignorant.

Anonymous said...

number 1 you cant spell anything, obviously your an idiot, alot more than the president of the united states. just stay home on your computer and eat some more bon bon's and blame the president beecause you dont get welfare because your not talented enough to do anything with your life. So dont talk about a president who is obviously smarter, and accomplished much more than you ever will.